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Keong Saik Project


Keong Saik Road


Jiong Hern





Creating a place along the alleyway which is suited for a talented young individual who is a photographer best known for his environmental art installations and hyper-realist art style. This space is his work, living and playing space which is open to the public to amplify positive impact and make it unforgettable. The place will have a display area for his work, a studio for him to work, a living space for him and his crew to rest. The use of hierarchy is to enhance certain areas of the building so when people look at the building they will find it unique hence drawing attention. Balance is used in the accomodations. Rhythm is used to attract audiences, as there will be a flow into the building, rhythm represents waves which connects people with his artwork. Unity is used to connect people together with the client's art piece and the client.

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